Monday, October 28, 2013

Best Trust Quotes

These are some awesome trust quotes. Besides these quotes I will share some written quotes which you can share with your love one's. Love Quotes and Trust Quotes are really common these days but some of them really attract other hearts. Will says Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.So We Should learn a lesson from this quote that trust very weak kind of thing which when broken never comes back. To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.So love every one but do not trust every person. This world is full of fake peoples. Besides these some people are very honest, good and trust able. But such peoples are rare. So just like the picture below says I do not trust easily people think its an attitude If they think this is attitude I would rather say yes it is and this attitude is a positive attitude.

trust quotes
trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

trust quotes

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